Creating an OS Project

OSDK can be used to create a new kernel project or a new library project. A kernel project defines the entry point of the kernel and can be run with QEMU. A library project can provide certain OS functionalities and be imported by other OSes.

Creating a new kernel project

Creating a new kernel project is simple. You only need to execute the following command:

cargo osdk new --kernel myos

Creating a new library project

Creating a new library project requires just one command:

cargo osdk new mylib

Generated files

Next, we will introduce the contents of the generated project in detail. If you don't wish to delve into the details, you can skip the following sections.


The generated directory for both the kernel project and library project contains the following contents:

├── Cargo.toml
├── OSDK.toml
├── rust-toolchain.toml
└── src/


Kernel project

The src/ file contains the code for a simple kernel. The function marked with the #[aster_main] macro is considered the kernel entry point by OSDK. The kernel will print Hello world from the guest kernel!to the console and then abort.

There is also a code snippet that demonstrates how to write kernel mode unit tests. It follows a similar code pattern as user mode unit tests. The test module is marked with the #[cfg(ktest)] macro, and each test case is marked with #[ktest].


use aster_frame::prelude::*;

fn kernel_main() {
    println!("Hello world from guest kernel!");

Library project

The src/ of library project only contains a simple kernel mode unit test.


extern crate ktest;
extern crate aster_frame;

mod tests {
    fn it_works() {
        let memory_regions = aster_frame::boot::memory_regions();


The Cargo.toml file is the Rust project manifest. In addition to the contents of a normal Rust project, OSDK will add the dependencies of the Asterinas framework to the file. The dependency version may change over time.

git = ""
branch = "main"

git = ""
branch = "main"


The OSDK.toml file is a manifest that defines the exact behavior of OSDK. By default, it contains the following contents. It includes settings on how to start QEMU to run a kernel. The meaning of each key can be found in the manifest documentation. Please avoid changing the default settings unless you know what you are doing.

project_type = "lib"

method = "qemu-direct"

args = """\
    -machine q35,kernel-irqchip=split \
    -cpu Icelake-Server,+x2apic \
    --no-reboot \
    -m 2G \
    -smp 1 \
    -nographic \
    -serial chardev:mux \
    -monitor chardev:mux \
    -chardev stdio,id=mux,mux=on,signal=off \
    -display none \
    -device isa-debug-exit,iobase=0xf4,iosize=0x04 \


The Rust toolchain for the kernel. It aligns with the toolchain of the Asterinas framework.