OSDK User Guide


The Asterinas OSDK (short for Operating System Development Kit) is designed to simplify the development of Rust operating systems. It aims to streamline the process by leveraging the framekernel architecture.

The OSDK provides a command-line tool cargo-osdk, which facilitates project management for those developed on the framekernel architecture. cargo-osdk can be used as a subcommand of Cargo. Much like Cargo for Rust projects, cargo-osdk enables building, running, and testing projects conveniently.

Install OSDK


Currently, OSDK is only supported on x86_64 Ubuntu systems. We will add support for more operating systems in the future.

To run a kernel developed by OSDK with QEMU, the following tools need to be installed:

  • Rust >= 1.75.0
  • cargo-binutils
  • gcc
  • gdb
  • grub
  • ovmf
  • qemu-system-x86_64
  • xorriso

The dependencies required for installing Rust and running QEMU can be installed by:

apt install build-essential curl gdb grub-efi-amd64 grub2-common \
    libpixman-1-dev mtools ovmf qemu-system-x86 xorriso

About how to install Rust, you can refer to the official site.

cargo-binutils can be installed after Rust is installed by

cargo install cargo-binutils


cargo-osdk is published on crates.io, and can be installed by running

cargo install cargo-osdk


If cargo-osdk is already installed, the tool can be upgraded by running

cargo install --force cargo-osdk